Sunday, November 12, 2006

Utterly Random Nonsense (URN)

I've decided that when I write my book ... wait, I mean my NOVEL ~ (the one that will make me filthy, stinkin', disgustingly rich... the one that will allow me to have servants and minions) that my main character & hero's name will be Shloemoe Shoebottom. I haven't figured out what his special tallent will be yet. Or what the story will be. But it will retail for $24.95.


Anonymous said...

I suggest you start taking preorders immeadiately.

Xen said...

LOL, yes. It's best to plan ahead. Don't want there to be a publishing crunch, now ....

Sassette said...

With a manly, bodice-ripping sort of name like that, you'll need to come up with a delicate flower of a name for the love interest... I suggest something along the line of Swoony Breezyskirts...