Friday, December 08, 2006


Today's question:
Is this Xen prepared for his daily run in 25 degree temperature?
Is it the newest rap superstar?
Seen here without his posse (posse-less, as it were) the amazing, indisputable, incontrovertible Master of Words, the Ringmaster of Rap, the Allah of Anthem, the Vicar of Verse, the Emporer of Expression...Yea, the Overlord of Ode, the Rajah of Refrain, the Barron of Ballad, the Magnate of Melody and the Crown of Chorus ..... the indescribable...the humble...
SWILLY "B" !!!!!
Give it UP TWO TIMES !!!

..... OK, well... it was just cold out.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

An Ode to Xen's Sick Computer...

My hard drive O.D.'d today
From all the crap I gave it
It vomited an error display
Hoping that I would save it

My sweet electronic box - fear not!
Your hopes I shall not dash!
The fact is, we are both dead meat -
If you should ever crash!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

And Today's Headlines...

Building explodes in Milwaukee Beer EVERYWHERE! Perhaps it was Hop-i-cide (which is not to say a bunch of Native americans killed themselves).

Taco Bells pulls green onions in E. coli scare Like Taco Bell wasn't sickening ANYWAY (OK, really GOOD, but sickening). It's not like it's salad.

Dobbs: Our leaders are ducking reality on Iraq Lou Dobbs is SO cranky about everything "administration" now that he's hard to listen to.

Scaramella: I warned poisoned spy "Ummm... Don't eat that Taco Bell burrito ... DON'T ! I don't CARE if it's 2:00AM and we've been drinking vodka all night...DOOOON'T!!!"

Glue problems could gum up shuttle launch Well, you see, when your entire space program relies on ELSIE the ELMER's GLUE COW, you are basically screwed. "This is WALTER CRONKITE... The latest shuttle launch was scrubbed today because the RUBBER BAND on the CAPE CANAVERAL SLINGSHOT is broken."

CNNMoney: Yahoo makes management changes OK ... I got nothin'

Report: Cheney's lesbian daughter pregnant This was cruel, but great! This morning this story was being read on the radio and after they finished saying "Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter announced that she is pregnant." they cut away to a voice clip of Mr. Cheney in a previous interview saying "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

Anti-Bush 'bat signal' ticks off neighborhood "I SOOO want to see this ... shining up against the dark night sky... What would the signal BE? The word "Decider" with a circle and slash through it? Or is it just a picture of a bat?

Oprah's lost her way, gone white, rapper says So some rapper makes what is basically a racist comment about a black woman and it's OK? Haven't we JUST had weeks of pontificating about that very double standard? It's not racism to call an idiot and idiot. By the way - I hate Oprah, but that has nothing to do with anything.

Report: Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn split up OK ... Yeah. So what? Or is she going to now be seen hanging with Paris Hilton and Brittney while going 'commando"?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Gimme a "S, H, U, T Gimme a U, P!" What'sitspell?

We got an email from the head of I.S. today announcing the hiring of a new IT security manager.
The usual announcement, his history of employment, credentials, etc, etc.... Let's all join in and welcome Chris, etc....

And then this.
"Chris has asked me to remind you that information security is built around the word security, sec-U-R-IT-y. You are our fist line of defense and being aware of the information you handle daily will help ensure we maintain the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of our systems and information."

C'mon ... honestly!
Cheerleading stuff? "U-R-IT"?

Let's go full bore, then...
Chris would like to point out his position verses yours with regard to his place in the company, his newly acquired power over you and his pay as SECURITY CZAR: "U - R - ITY" That's right... itty-bitty. Inconsequential. Nothing. Don't even bother trying to ask for access to stuff, because it's not going to happen.

What an absolute goober. "U-R-IT". I am stunned. Why do managers think that educated professionals will be motivated by the same tactics as drunken sports fans? At least he wasn't in a polyester mini dress, waving pom-poms (I assume anyway).

Xen's Weekly Image

This week's picture is one taken a few years back of the Las Vegas strip just after dark.
And of course, as they say, "What happens in Vegas...ummm... happens in Vegas."
Because your friends will tell everybody they know what you did if it was truly outrageous.