And the Son of Tammy Faye Shall Lead Them...
Found this article to be an interesting and refreshing approach to Christianity:
I liked what he had to say.
I also was greatly amused by all of the hard core posters who commented that EVEN THOUGH Jesus' message was one of love and forgiveness, etc., Christianity is still all about JUDGMENT!
People just like to be able to say, "I am better than you, and as proof, I give you 'X'!" Now in some cases, "X" is a hefty bank account, country club membership, or vacation home. And if you are in high school, "X" is probably (from what I recall) the "right" clothes, hairstyle, friends, etc. In other cases, "X" is my religion and my pious, devout lifestyle.
Unfortunately for those dolts, in Christianity piety and devotion walk hand-in-hand with a little thing Christ was fond of called HUMILITY. And, since you cannot hold yourself up above others and still call yourself humble; these are the exact sort of people that Jesus would tell to piss off, if he ever met up with them.
Jesus Christ didn't judge people, he left that up to his Father. In fact, he did the opposite. He not only sought out, but embraced the sinners and despised members of his society. He did not ask or demand that they change their ways in order to receive His love and community. He gave His love freely to all that invited Him into their lives.
Does that sound like the current Christian movement in this country?
Not by a long shot.