Friday, November 10, 2006

And Furthermore...(Sassette Weighs In)

The democrats would not have triumphed so immensely if people were not so completely fed up with the direction the administration and their legislative enablers have taken this country.

  • Who wants to be reviled by the rest of the world?
  • Who wants to be the ones that jail people indefinitely with no visits, no lawyers, and rhyme or reason?
  • Who wants to be the ones who torture people - in other words - the BAD GUYS?
  • Who wants to be the guys who back out of Kyoto, when we could set a good example; because it would be too much of a hardship on our companies?
  • Who wants lobbyists writing legislation that screws Americans? Drug benefits, bankruptcy laws, energy policy, etc.?
  • Who wants to see more of our fellow citizens killed when no one in charge seems concerned that our people keep dying long after "Mission Accomplished"?

People went democrat, because it is in our nature to want to believe there is hope, even when things look hopeless....

Now let's HOPE that the new majority will focus on doing our business, and not going all Cock of the Walk with their vanquished foes....

Don't try to impeach, don't hold endless hearings, just dig in and try and fix the mess W& Co. have made.


Ocean State Abrasives said...

While I agree with most of what you said, Sassette, I cant agree with this:

"Who wants to be the guys who back out of Kyoto, when we could set a good example; because it would be too much of a hardship on our companies?"

The Kyoto treaty was not a well thought out treaty and should not have been ratified.

For one, China, the world's second largest emitter of greenhouse gas and they're exempt. Russia doesnt have to reduce their emissions at all and are allowed to keep their out put at the same levels they had in 1990... you remember? when they were a superpower? also, iceland, under the treaty may increase their emmisions by ten percent. countries not meeting or exceeding their levels can sell credits to other countries thus allowing them more emissions than the treaty allows for them, which is rediculous.

Anyway, like I said, I agree with most of what you said, but not that.

Sassette said...

The emissions credit trading is assinine, but the treaty itself was a babystep towards acknowledging responsibility towards our shared global environmental problems. A principled disagreement of the practices set out in the treaty (for the concerns you listed) is one thing. Pulling away and not offering up alternate ideas just makes us look like we don't give a damn. Not signing, but complying with some of the measures to show a committment to the goals would have been a better way to go....

Ocean State Abrasives said...

I dont think so. Scrapping that piece of crap treaty in favor of drawing up a fair and viable alternative would be a better idea, but when so many are in favor of ratifying, the only choice is to pull out. It doesnt do anything towards fighting global warming... it's not even a babystep. It was nothing more than a way for smaller, less developed countries to get money for nothing, and allow giant companies, with the exception of the US to maintain the status quo, and in some situations even increase their output. It made no sense, and not ratifying, whether we signed it or not, seemed like the only real option.

Jodin said...

Bush is no lame duck. Bush will veto/use signing statements on any Democratic bill passed.

Sometimes reprimanding a child (President) doesn't make the family (Washington) a happy place. But you still have to do it so the child and his siblings (future presidents) learns about accountability. Holding government officials accountable for their actions strengthens our democracy. Letting lawlessness stand weakens it. Impeachment is horribly UNDERUSED. Which is part of why there's so much corruption at the top. They must learn to fear it.

People think things are better because we improved the make-up of our law-making body (Congress). But the whole point is that Bush is BREAKING LAWS. So, it doesn't matter how many laws they pass if they don't serve ther OVERSIGHT duty (they swore to defend the Constitution) by impeaching.

Not to mention, Bush can still do a lot of damage to our troops, Iraq, Iran and our Supreme Court.
Impeach Bush Yourself...

Sassette said...

If evidence comes to light that shows that Bush committed impeachable offenses, then by all means, have at it.

What I don't want to see is congress making that their primary goal upon taking over the majority. Hundreds of hours of hearings does not seem like the best use of their time to me. I would rather they use their collective intellect and energy to positively shape the future rather than rehash the past. History will prove to be GWB's harshest judge.