Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Statistically Moronic

From today's PROJO DAILY BLOG:
Poll: Bush's approval ratings improving in R.I.
"After many months as the state most critical of President Bush’s job performance, Rhode Island no longer leads the nation in disapproval of the president, according to a SurveyUSA poll.
New Yorkers now give the president the lowest approval rating in the country, with 24 percent of voters in the Empire State rating the president favorably.
Rhode Island is tied with Massachusetts at 49th for presidential approval, with 26 percent of voters in each state approving the way the president handles his job. Last month 23 percent of Rhode Island voters approved the president's job performance, according to a SurveyUSA poll.
The polls have an error margin of about 4 percent.
The average approval rating for the president was 36 percent nationwide. The president was above 50 percent in two states, Idaho and Utah, and below 30 percent in seven states: R.I.; Mass.; N.Y.; Cal.; Conn.; Del.; and Vt. "

OK, so what they are saying is that RI went from 23% to 26%. With a error margin of 4%. HELLO ???!! Then there is no statistical change!!! You DOLTS !!! NY is at 24% with the same error margin.

Bottom line? It doesn't matter!!!
I hate stupid reporting!

And now I must go run. There's a 97% chance I will do my usual 5 miles, with a margin of error of 96%. Idiots.

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