Thursday, December 14, 2006

Inspired By A Lame Customer Service Meeting

This annoying meeting came complete with a video set to what sounded an awful lot like porn music and a workbook! Because we are not adults and professionals! We are pre-schoolers (who respond to porn music, apparently)!


Customer Service:
Be prompt. Be nice. Be helpful.
This means you, Jackass!

1 comment:

Xen said...

All I can now think of is a bunch of adults in a conference room with grade school desks... all sitting there coloring porno pictures in a coloring book with stubby crayons. Everyone is working dilligently to stay in the lines, some people biting their tongues in concentration. And each picture has a customer service slogan below it. "Be Safe" "Keep the Customer Satisfied" "Slippery When Wet" ...
What's the workbook named? "Horton Hears a Ho?"