"The Surge"
Below is an excerpt from letter to the editor in the Projo ...
I left off most of it because I am sure you are tired of hearing from people like me, and this person, who believe Bush is a problem.
But I like this person's phrasing as cited below.... To me, it is a VERY true statement about the treatment of the military, the press' approach (as witnessed by their almost universal switch in 'opinion' in the 3 weeks leading up to the election), and the way we have accepted manipulation as a way of life
(The point of the article is that the administration has been hell-bent on increasing the troop level in Iraq from the beginning, and will not be deterred from it. Of course, they DID come up with a new "phrase" to describe it: "a troop surge"
"The administration is once again proceeding from an ill-conceived conclusion and bullying the military into backing them. The press accepts whatever script the White House hands them, and the American people seem to be too conditioned by the consumer culture of endless manipulation we live in to see past even the cheapest sloganeering and knee-jerk appeals to a patriotism and sacrifice."
I totally agree. Where do the administration think these troops are going to come from? You would have to be crazy to enlist right now.
And do you know what infuriates me (and that is NOT hyperbole)? Every single commercial for the armed forces (I am specifically thinking of the current army ad campaign) features middle to lower middle class families, many of them minorities.
Where is the commercial where the ivy leaguer comes home on break and tells mumsy and dads that he/she has decided that there is no greater honor than that of serving one's country? Where is the scene with the CEO and his son where the father tells the son that going out and seeing the world and getting discipline and working hard to accomplish a goal are worthwhile?
These ads SICKEN me. They are targeting a very specific demographic, and assuming no one notices that the entire rest of the country is off the hook. If they were being honest and decent instead of deceptive and elitist they would ask for people TO ENLIST, TO SERVE, TO SACRIFICE because it is a worthy thing to do, and the country needs its men and women to step up and answer the call. But they are not. They are carefully couching these appeals in offers of things that moderate to lower income families want for their kids (and the kids want for themselves) but cannot offer: travel, education, money, etc.
Why is no one calling attention to this?
(FYI: I don't necessarily believe that serving in this particular conflagration and climate is a worthwhile thing to do, but my point is that is what the government should be saying)
Oh, so you don't think the sudden opinion piece by the former military chief was planned? The one that said he had rethought his original 'don't ask - don't tell' policy and that now, well, we should embrace (OK, maybe he didn't say 'embrace') gays in the military? And how was it that the exact number of military personnel that were tossed because they were gay was known? And it was 11,000?
ITA with your observation about the ads. Again...we are not supposed to notice this manipulation .. this level of subterfuge.
I actually thought it was a VERY interesting point on The Colbert Report the other night where he called for the reinstatement of the draft ....because ONLY THEN will there be enough impetus for young people to actually get involved and question the leaders of this country PROPERLY again.
I've been saying that for a while. Can you imagine this country being led to war on flimsy evidence if our sons and daughters were forced to participate?
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