Ranting about TV is as much fun as WATCHING
Please allow me to point out in a typically MALE kind of way that BONES is incredibly hot when she's dressed to the nines and playing a floozy .... The gum snapping and flapper-squeak voice and attitude just works... LOL !!!
Now.. if you watched the show... I have a question. Know how they determined that the girl was murdered by a baseball bat? the same one that killed the original person whose remains they found?
OK... but, I can't for the life of me figure out when they said WHO DID IT.
They focused on the girl boxer suspect so much that I couldn't figure out who really did it?
Was it one of the Vegas mob fight-club guys?
It was the kid who hung out at the boxing gym with Joe Nolan - the ex boxer. He was the son of the loan shark that Booth initially suspected.
Bones is totally hot all dressed up - she has a ridiculously tiny waist.
In a coincidence, the actor who played him also guest-starred on Jericho as the remorseful Ravenwood guy. He competed with himself in the 8-9pm timeslot....
One thing that totally annoyed me on Jericho (ok, maybe two things) : first, the mayor had a fever, right? So science-nerd-girl remembers a really long, boring way to make ice without refrigeration. Part of her instructions is to "get water from the well, it will be cooler." Now, having had well water, I can testify that it is absolutely FREEZING even in the heat of summer. So, why didn't they just dump Mayor-Sicky-Pants into a cool bath in the first place? That's what my mom used to do with us when we had high fevers. (well, maybe not dump, exactly)
Second, how are they going to have this woman (a nurse no less) be pregnant and not be absolutely sick with worry over all of the radiation that she has been exposed to? That would have to impact the baby, no?
I THOUGHT he looked familiar when I watched Jericho later.
Ha! Too funny.
OK, now I see how he was the one on Bones who did it.... thanks.
(I am JOKING HERE!!) You TOTALLY have it in for this show...I can tell. You WANT to like it, but just can't suspend disbelief ... probably because there have been a TON of Armageddon shows & movies and it's so easy to pick them apart~
But yeah, you are also completely right about each of those things....
They should have had him in a bath days and days ago .... not under the covers (with ONE trickle of sweat running down his cheek).
The good part for him is that they are like 7 episodes in and he's not had to do SQUAT as far as acting after the 1st two epi's.
Even if the water was relatively WARM, you'd float him .... PLUS - they all wear coats at this point... get the guy outside....
Oh..the pregnancy thing is a stupid contrivance. Once she said that I started to get ticked off. Of COURSE the girl who was going to divorce her estranged husband suddenly is pregnant. Explain this... the show opened saying it was a month after the bombs. So she can't even KNOW really that she's pregnant unless the conception happened almost a month BEFORE the bombs went off. And they couldn't STAND each other then. Oh, but they had sex? NO problem with fulfilling needs with someone you are not getting along with? Or in using protection? And she's a nurse? Right. Not.
Plus this plays the entire BS storyline with those two out further.
She worked on ALL radiation poisoned people. The kid's gonna be a freak.
All said and done. I agree with all you say. Hee!
And why is it a BIG secret that he went away and drove a truck in Iraq as a contractor? If there isn't MORE to is, then it's stupid.
I suspect this guy will be super spy by the time they are done with his past. He can DO everything. Fight, improvise, he's MacGyver, and probably has superpowers too.
Yes, that is one of the most annoying aspects of this show - Jake-Of-All-Trades.
I mean, I get it, he's a cutie. So, TPTB want him in as many scenes as possible, doing as many manly things as possible.
But, as you say, he is becoming some sort of cheap MacGyver imitation. He runs! He shoots! He can use dynamite to rig a strategic cave-in! He has a dark past! And a bad*ss car! Every pre-menopausal woman in town wants him! ("You sir, are NO Richard Dean Anderson") I wish I had high-def so that I could see what information Dawkins pulled up on him on his Super-Secret-Spy-Computer...
And I do want to like it. I really do.
I just can't help gritting my teeth through the cliché surprise(!) break-up pregnancy, and the fact that last week we had horse thieves, and next week we can look forward to mercenaries (it's a western! it's a war pic!). Sometimes I can't help thinking it would be the best thing for Jericho if The Walkin' Dude blew into town and wiped them all out...
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